- Students are expected to stay at their bus Stops at five minutes prior to the arrival of bus.
- Bus will not wait for late comers.
- Children should always stay away from the main road until the bus arrives.
- No student should try to board the bus until it has” made a complete stop.
- Students must occupy vacant seats immediately after boarding the bus.
- The drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stops only, The list of Stops is prepared to keep in view the convenience of all, and is subject to change.
- When the bus is in motion, students must not move around or lean out of the bus.
- Students will be held responsible for any damage to the bus caused by their negligence or vandalism.
- No student is allowed to throw litter inside or outside the bus.
- Shrill. Shout and Unruly behavior are strictly prohibited as the driver’s attention can be distracted.
- The school does not entertain any change in the bus route to suit the individual’s convenience.
- Students can avail of the service of that particular bus/van only in which he/she is registered.
- Any student who will be found changing the conveyance will be fined by 100.
- Transport facility once taken will not be withdrawn till the end of that session irrespective of any problem from the parent/guardian’s side.
- The late fee shall be applicable here also @ (25 per month on a cumulative basis if deposited after the due date i.e. 15th of each month.
- Parents / Guardians must clear school dues in time and must keep fee slips safe for any ready reference.
- Arrival time:- Students are required to be in the school only 10 minutes before the bell.
- Expectations and responsibilities:- Parents are expected to make sure that their wards at picked up from the school immediately after school hours.
- Students to V standard are not allowed to come to school on a bicycle.
- Students are not allowed to come in any automated vehicle.
- The bicycle must be locked.