Mandatory Guidelines For Students
General Rules:
- Every student must carry his / her Almanac to school each day.
- student must come to school regularly and punctually.
- Students are not allowed to bring any type of objectionable literature/ material/electronic gadget to the school and the school reserves the rights to inspect randomly and confiscate those items.
- Parents are requested to avail school bus facilities for the transportation of their wards. Non-bus commuters should arrive at school ten minutes before the start of the Assembly / School starting time.
- Late Comers will be sent back home and also fined.
- The warning bell before a class / assembly is a Signal for all to go to the assembly or to go to their respective class rooms. This should be done promptly in silence. As soon as they reach their classes, students must get their books ready for the period.
- Changing to class-rooms between each period should be done in silence and in an orderly manner, if allowed.
- Student must ensure that they carry the class-pass whenever they are required to move out of the classrooms.
- No books (other than textbooks or library books), magazines or news papers should be brought to the school without the Principal’s permission.
- Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is not permitted.
- Those students, who come to school in the care of parents/guardians should never leave before their arrival. As in case of delay, they should report to the school office. Those who go home alone should not loitert on the way but be prompt in returning home straight.
- Use of poly-bags is strictly prohibited in the school, Students should not use these for any purpose.
- Students are warned not to buy anything, especially eatables from street vendors.
- Our students should observe polite manners wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet their teachers when they meet. Bullying and use of foul language is unacceptable.
- Exploding crackers or splashing colours during Deepawali/Holi in the school premises is strictlyforbidden.
- Monitors/ Badge holders have to put on their Badges daily. In case of any loss Rs. 100 will be charged.
- Student who will come thrice late in a month will be sent back home as well as fined.
- Students not in the school uniform will be fined per default. Student who will be uniform defaulter thrice in a week will be send back home and fined as well.
- The school reserves to itself the right to dismiss students whose diligence or progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students or whose guardians show little interest in the progress of their ward. Immorality, grave insubordination, contempt of authority or willful damage to school property is always a sufficient reason for immediate dismissal.
- A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a doctor’s certificate permitting html her to rejoin class.
The prescribed period of quarantine is :
Chickenpox :
Six days after the disappearance of the first crop of vesicles.
Measles :
Seven days from the appearance of the rash.
Mumps :
Until the swelling of Salivary glands has subsided which may be after nine days from the appearance of distinctive symptoms.
General Damages:
For all deliberate damages to furniture, library books, school property and laboratory equipment, the defaulters will have to pay the actual cost of the damaged item and 10% of the cost, as penalty.
Writing or scribbling on the walls or on furniture or causing damage to school property in any form, will be treated as a breach of discipline. Any such act shall entail punishment and recovery of the cost, even if it is done accidentally.
Code of Conduct :
- Students must not ride in and around the school compound on bicycle.
- Shouting, whistling and use of abusive language is strictly prohibited.
- Entry in the school premises with any weapon/ammunition is strictly prohibited.
- Don’t litter the school premises and use the dustbin provided.
- Possession of expensive and prohibited article in the school will be treated as offence.
- Disrespect to any teacher or staff members will be treated as breach of discipline.
- Distribution of any sort of gift item or presenting gift to teachers, staff, students or any other member of school is prohibited even on special occasion.
- No student is allowed to attend any school function or outside the school without the permission of the school.