An enormous milestone was achieved ‘hands-on’ technologically strong sophisticated language lab was commissioned in APS on the 19th of august 2013 by the chief guest D.I.G Meerut, Mr. K. SATYANARAYAN. Confident communication has been offset through the latest generation audio & visual features, under the functionality of this lab.
‘The Teacher’s console controls open class announcements and allows students to make individual calls by pressing the red light indicators.
‘Appropriate style’ language communication is encouraged as the instructor lays emphasis on the syllables to be stressed, blending it with perfect voice modulation for flawless dialogue delivery. Visual lessons running onscreen lead to a shortening of lesson duration and time cycles. Through the students unit shared by two learners, the revision of lessons becomes a rewarding process. Students speak clearly and slowly, with emphasis on the right words. Once pronunciation is captured correctly, flow in speaking comes automatically. The functionality of the language lab gets well established as student use features such as head phones and mikes, which are specially designed to suit their ‘language picking up efforts and requirement ‘. This lab technique can be used for learning German and French too.