Investiture Ceremony

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Azad Public School held its prestigious Investiture Ceremony for the Junior and Senior Wings, a momentous occasion where student leaders were entrusted with responsibilities and roles. The ceremony was graced by the President Mr. Shariq Azad and Principal Ms. Shilpi Singh who announced the Head Boy, Head Girl, School Parliament Members, House Captains and Prefects for the academic year marking a significant milestone in the academic year.

The ceremony aimed to empower student leaders with responsibilities, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment to their roles
We empower student leaders, entrusting them and foster a sense of accountability, teamwork, leadership among students.

The Investiture Ceremony was a success, with our student leaders beaming with pride and enthusiasm. We are confident that they will excel in their new roles, making valuable contributions to the school community.

Congratulations to our newly appointed student leaders!

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